Life with Me

What Is Your Dream Job

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Money for Nothing.”

Blogging for a dream job

If someone had asked me a few months ago what my dream job was I don’t think I would have been able to give them an answer. Some people have a set idea of what they want as a dream job or what they want to do as a career but I haven’t really felt like that before. Today while looking at The Daily Post’s writing prompt where it asked what our ultimate dream job would be, blogging was the first thing that came into my mind and I realised how much I love it. The small thoughts I used to have about writing as a job came back and I thought how I would love to have blogging be my job.

Do I think I will be good enough to write for a living? No, I still have my doubts about my writing. What I do know is that I enjoy it and want to learn more. I want to improve for myself and for my blog. To be able to see how my writing improves over time will be really interesting and if someone gets some enjoyment or help from what I write then it makes it all the more worth it.

I feel like there are so many good bloggers out there that are wanting to make a living out of blogging and for me it seems like it will only ever be a dream of mine. It would be so good to be able to have a job that I could do at home with a somewhat flexible schedule to work around M.E. I need to be able to take breaks when I can, spend some days in bed and be able to work around my illness and do what I can. Most jobs I can’t do but I feel like blogging might be something that my illness does allow me to do. Even though blogging is just a hobby I love and I’m not in it just for the money, it is nice to know that I actually do have a dream job which is writing.

Have you got a dream job? I’d love to hear about it.

Love, Me

24 thoughts on “What Is Your Dream Job”

  1. LOL “M.E.” I’m sure many bloggers here wish they could make a living off their blog (including me) haa but my whole life I’ve always wanted to be a big time nurse..and live in new York for three months 😅
    I hope you get your dream job in the future! 😊😊😊

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    1. Yes there will be many bloggers wanting that. Though I’m sure there is always going to be competition with lots of people wanting the same career no matter what it is. Some just harder to get than others. All the best with becoming a nurse! 🙂

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  2. My dream job is to be an actress for the stage fulltime. I’m an actress part time currently so I’m slowly making my way there. Remember: good things come to those who wait! I’m sure you’ll achieve you’re dream 🙂 loved reading this post. If you have time, maybe pop over to my blog and have a read? Xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I still haven no idea what my dream job would be! It would almost be a combination of everything I love: a bit of blogging, researching, writing and maybe even a bit of teaching in there somewhere. All of those things minus the pressure and stress that can come along with them. That would probably where I’d be happiest!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. A great food for thought post. Humm… for me, the words ‘dream’ and ‘job’ in the same sentence would not be too cool. But, you are so right, the possibility of blogging for a living would be great. Don’t give up, anything is possible in this life.

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  5. Yes blogging i.e. online business dream job! There are so many ways to write online and earn online. Ebooks is a big interest of mine. I got some free ones that I am pretty sure I could have done a better job on. One never knows with technology always changing there are more opportunities for us who need to stay at or near home for whatever reasons.

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  6. Blogging and being paid is a great goal, you do seem to put more serious thought into your writing than most. It is a noisy world but we have found time to read your blog, keep up the good words and we’ll be back.. I remember reading journals and articles I had written in earlier times while in college and found it hard to believe that I had been the author.

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  7. Great blog! Congrats on your blogging101 achievements, well done 🙂 My dream job isn’t the one I currently do, but it’s better than being benefit bashed! (and it is very lightweight). I hope you do’t mind a reblog of an older snack post I just read and loved the idea. please let me know if it’s a problem and I’ll take it down. Cheers, Stu (Snailzpace Daily)

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